
Introduction. Entrepreneurial activity is one of the main sources of revenues to the state budget. Accordingly, ensuring entrepreneurs’ safety, in particular, psychological safety, is very important. Unfortunately, in the context of pandemic restrictions, many entrepreneurs were forced to close their businesses or significantly reduce their activities, which negatively affected their psychological safety. Therefore, the definition of the main threats to the psychological security of an entrepreneur and possible ways of protection against them is an urgent task of economic psychology. Aim. То determine the main threats to the entrepreneur's psychological security under pandemic restrictions and possible ways to protect against them. Results. The relevance of the study is confirmed by the list of modern publications on the problem of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological safety of the individual, in particular, business entities. The article analyzes the content of the concept of "entrepreneur's psychological security", identifies threats to the psychological security of business entities, determines the main directions in which the psychological security of entrepreneurs should be ensured under pandemic restrictions. The authors consider the concept of «entrepreneur's psychological security» as a state of psychological security of an economic entity from internal and external threats that have negative consequences at all stages of the enterprise's functioning, and as well as a state that allows generating and implementing new ideas and increasing productivity. Conclusions. The information presented in the article may be useful in studying the effects of pandemic restrictions on entrepreneur's’ psychological well-being.

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