
The effect of the Strouhal number on periodic forcing of the flow over a backward-facing step (height, $H$) is investigated experimentally. Forcing is applied by a synthetic jet at the edge of the step at Strouhal numbers ranging from $0.21<St_H<1.98$ ($St_H = f H/U_\infty$) at a Reynolds number of $Re_H = HU_\infty/\nu = 41000$. In the literature, the effect of Strouhal number on the reattachment length is often divided into low- and high frequency actuation, referring to different frequency modes in the unforced flow. In the present paper, variations with Strouhal number are explained based on entrainment rather than frequency modes. The reattachment length is shown to decrease linearly with entrainment. Entrainment is driven by vortices generated by the forcing and locally entrainment is shown to be qualitatively similar to circulation for all cases considered. Total circulation (and therewith entrainment and the effect on the reattachment length) is shown to decrease with Strouhal number whereas this is not predicted by models based on frequency modes. An empirical model for the (decay of) circulation is derived by tracking vortices in phase-locked data. This model is used to decipher relevant scaling parameters that explain the variations in circulation, entrainment and reattachment length. A low-Strouhal-number regime is observed for which vortices are formed at a late stage relative to the recirculation region, causing a decrease in effectiveness. For high Strouhal numbers vortices are being re-ingested into the actuator or are packed so close together that they cancel each other, both decreasing the effectiveness of forcing. In the intermediate regime a vortex train is formed of which the decay of circulation increases for increasing Strouhal number. The scaling of this decay fully explains the observed variation in reattachment length.

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