
All economic entomologists arc commercial entomologists or entomologists for commercial undertakings, in the ultimate analysis, for trade and commerce is the mainspring of the world. A distinction, by a somewhat invidious comparison, has been made between federal and state entomologists and those who arc engaged directly with insecticide manufacturers or distributors. This should not exist, because an economic entomologist still retains his identity and worth, irrespective of the source of his remuneration. In fact most entomologists connected with commercial concerns are in a position to do a genuine service to a large constituency, oftentimes having a much broader grasp of the country's entomological problems than those confined to a single state or station. Commercial companies have lately discovered that a trained entomologist, provided he has the right personality and selling ability, is vastly superior to the mere “go-getter” salesman without a knowledge of the science. It is easier to select the properly trained entomologist and give him three months of salesmanship training than to try to crowd four years of entomology and allied subjects into a mere salesman in a similar time. Let us therefore look upon the recent movement of entomologists to commercial concerns with delight and hope for more efficient service and products than in the earlier days. We will always have insecticide salesmen, so let us have the best trained men in the field, and let us give them all the encouragement and assistance possible. In the past there has been great reluctance shown in mentioning the products of any company, often to the disadvantage of a very excellent product and to the temporary advantage of an inferior article, at least until the growers made their own determination of quality. Commercial concerns, having attached their names to their products stand or fall by them. They are (or should be) willing to have an unbiased and accurate report on the merits or demerits of their product. Hence let us have more exact reports naming the articles of merchandise treated. If there are failures or faults, the manufacturers should be glad to correct them.

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