
Insect abundance, diversity, richness, evenness and similarities were evaluated at three different localities in an oil palm plantation at FELDA Gunung Besout 6 in Sungkai, Perak. All the three study areas were situated approximately 500m between each other and included the margin and interior part of the oil palm area, and also around the beneficial plants area, which particularly Antigonon leptopus. The abundance, diversity and similarity of insects were varied at all three study sites, which demonstrated the effect of level of disturbances, vegetation diversity and food sources availability. Samplings were conducted for six months starting from August 2011 until January 2012 using Malaise traps. A total of 2,306 insects, belonging to six orders and 27 families were collected from the trap around margin area, whereas a total of 2,288 insects belonging to 5 orders and 29 families were collected from the trap around the interior area and a total of 2,199 insects belonging to six orders and 30 families were collected from the trap around the beneficial plants area. The beneficial plant site has the highest Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index, followed by the interior and the margin site. However, there were no significant differences between the three habitats (p>0.05) through ANOVA analysis. Results of this study showed that even though the level of diversity of insects in the oil palm area of FELDA Gunung Besout 6 was relatively low, there are still some extensive measurement could be carried out for their augmentation and conservation. Factors like food resources, disturbances and anthropogenic effect are still play the main role in conserving the biodiversity and ecosystem in certain area. Hence, the designation of oil palm landscape should be functioned in healthier and more sustainable way in order to provide a wide range of ecosystem services and the conservation of biodiversity.

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