
Throughout the years, electric power utility companies have been relying on their massive multibillion worth infrastructure in the form of electric power network. Control and maintenance of the network has been usually done through a set of isolated systems where each one of them was in charge for their own subset of data. Latest changes in the market, imposed by deregulation and its opening have pushed electric power utility companies into major changes in their ICT infrastructure. Dynamism of the network that the upcoming Smart Grid concept will introduce requires better collaboration and information sharing among different systems within such companies.PD Jugoistok, electric power utility company of the south-eastern Serbia is not an exception to this trend. On the contrary, PD Jugoistok has taken the first steps towards the Smart Grid by implementing enterprise integration of its information systems. The introduced enterprise integration relies on the GeoNis integration platform which uses translators/wrappers in order to map each existing data model into the common model partially based on the CIM defined in IEC 61968 series of standards. Solution implemented within PD Jugoistok uses WebGIS Portal as a central point of access to the integrated information for all possible users within the company or among external partners and regulatory bodies. The use of WebGIS Portal is based on the unique possibility of GIS to provide information in the spatial context thus properly abstracting the geographically dispersed nature of the electric power network.

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