
The article analyses types of risks that are typical for domestic business entities. It improves classification of innovation and investment risks of an enterprise by means of expansion of classification features. Domestic enterprises are constantly solving the problem of identifying, assessing and managing business risks, which is even more important in the context of post-conflict transformations. Therefore, the problem of identifying and systematising the risks of innovation and investment activities of enterprises in the context of post-conflict transformations is relevant and requires scientific substantiation. The risks of innovation and investment activities should be considered not in the historical dimension, but in the context of their minimisation in the future. When implementing innovation and investment activities, which are unpredictable in themselves, it is simply not possible to consider risk "as a result", because innovations have no analogues and it is impossible to extrapolate the experience of other projects. iIf risk is the possibility of deviation from a certain value, then such a possibility can be assessed using relative scores, the deviation can be determined by direction (positive, negative, zero), and the risk itself can be characterised by type.
 Based on the results of a qualitative risk analysis, an enterprise should assess the risks and determine a set of organisational decisions to manage them (types of management decisions to minimise their possible impact). The allocation of the proposed feature "Risks of post-conflict transformations" allows to take into account new types of risks that arise in the socio-political and economic environment in the new economic conditions and relate to: the crisis state of the economy, demographic changes in the job market, social attitudes, the state and quality of the information space, infrastructure support, the level of innovation and investment, energy, transport, consulting, engineering and other types of activities, etc. Possible methods for assessing various types of risks of innovation and investment activities of enterprises are outlined. In general, the author's proposals can be used to formalise approaches to assessment of innovation and investment risks.

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