
Currently, the fi rst place is taken by the qualities of feed additives used in feeding highly productive cattle, such as biological and sorption activity, harmlessness and bioavailability. For this reason, recently there has been a significant increase in scientific and practical interest in the use of feed additives that help not only increase the productivity of farm animals, but also improve their health. The purpose of the work was to study enterosorbent from a modifi ed glauconite concentrate in feeding young cattle. A study of glauconite from the Bondar deposit in the Tambov region as a feed additive in the ratrions of young cattle was carried out. New knowledge has been obtained about the sorption properties of this mineral, its eff ect on the absorption and excretion of various metals from the body of animals, including micro- and macronutrients, as well as metal pollutants. Safe eff ective doses of its introduction into animal rations have been determined. It was experimentally fed to older replacement young animals as part of a mono feed. It has been established that the use of enterosorbent based on a modifi ed glauconite concentrate in the ration of young cattle at a dose of 0,2 g/kg of live weight helped to remove nickel from the body of animals up to 60 %, and lead up to 36 % of the total amount, which on average was excreted in feces. The sorbent showed average effi ciency in relation to copper approximately 13 % of its amount is bound and excreted in feces. In this case, the mineral accumulated in the digestive tract of animals for 3–4 days. Under conditions of copper defi ciency in feed, sorbent retention promoted better absorption of inorganic forms of this nutrient consumed with mineral additives.

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