
Several steady state indices of thyroid hormone distribution, metabolism, excretion, and absorption were measured in intact hypothyroid and euthyroid rats, to explore the role of intestines and enterohepatic pathways in the dynamic regulation of whole-body thyroid hormone in these two states. Ten rats were studied, 5 normal control (N) and 5 rendered hypothyroid (3.48 vs. 19.8 ng/ml TSH) by surgical thyroidectomy 3.5 weeks earlier (HYPO). High specific activity 125I-labeled T3 (T3*) was infused at the same constant rate for 7 days from osmotic minipumps implanted sc. Daily urine and feces, and seventh-day cardiac and portal venous blood, bile, and whole intestinal contents were assessed. Bowel and feces were homogenized, extracted, and chromatographed, along with serum, bile, and urine samples. Bile, bowel, and fecal extract samples were also hydrolyzed with aryl-sulfatase and/or beta-glucuronidase and chromatographed to identify conjugates and determine total T3* in all fluid and tissue samples. In the N group, the bowel contained 21.2 +/- 1.22 (SD) times more T3* (mass) than plasma (199 ng vs. 9.39 ng), this ratio falling to 9.03 +/- 1.78 in the HYPO group (30.4 ng vs. 3.37 ng), a shift to relatively more T3* in blood. Urinary T3* was zero in both groups. But fecal excretion was 34 +/- 4.43% of total T3* infused (production) in N and only 20.3 +/- 3.05% in HYPO rats, closely paralleling reduced fecal bulk flow, and thus providing more time for T3* absorption. Endogenous T3 and T4 concentrations measured in portal plasma were 15-31% greater in normals and 69-95% greater in HYPO rats than in corresponding systemic plasma samples, a direct indication of absorption of endogenous T3 and T4 in both groups, with greater absorption in the HYPO group. About 66% total T3* was metabolically degraded in N rats, rising to approximately 80% in HYPO rats. Plasma clearance rates of T3 fell more than 50% in HYPO rats, and total T3 production fell to about 20% of normal. It appears that HYPO rats compensate for low T3 by fecally excreting a much smaller fraction of total T3 production, absorbing more T3 and T4, and leaving a larger fraction for T3 action and degradative metabolism.

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