
Studied by electron microscopy and morphometry, Auerbach’s ganglia comprise nerve cell bodies that occupy ~ 40% of volume; of the neuropil, little over 30% is neural processes (axons, dendrites) and little less than 30% is glia (cell bodies, processes). The amount of surface membrane of neural elements only marginally exceeds that of glia. Glial cells extend laminar processes radially between axons, reaching the ganglion’s surface with specialized membrane domains. Nerve cells and glia are tightly associated, eliminating any free space in ganglia. Glia expands maximally its cell membrane with a minimum of cytoplasm, contacting a maximal number of axons, which, with their near-circular profile, have minimal surface for a given volume. Shape of glia is moulded by the neural elements (predominantly concave the first, predominantly convex the second); the glia extends its processes to maximize contact with neural elements. Yet, a majority of axons is not reached by glia and only few are wrapped by it. Despite the large number of cells, the glia is not sufficiently developed to wrap around or just contact many of the neural elements. Mitochondria are markedly fewer in glia than in neurons, indicating a lower metabolic rate. Compactness of ganglia, their near-circular profile, absence of spaces between elements and ability to withstand extensive deformation suggest strong adhesion between the cellular elements, holding them together and keeping them at a fixed distance. Many axonal varicosities, with vesicles and membrane densities, abut on non-specialized areas of glia, suggesting the possibility of neurotransmitters being released outside synaptic sites.

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