
摘要 利用非简并四波混频体系制备出稳定的连续变量的纠缠态,研究了纠缠随时间的演化情况.同时,得到双模光场的特征函数.经分析可知,在强抽运光的作用下此体系相当于一个光学参量放大器;在满足一定的条件下,能够制备出稳定的连续变量的量子纠缠态,并且纠缠的程度与双光子抽运光强度、合作参量及失谐频率有关. 关键词: 连续变量 / 三能级 / 高斯态 / 参量放大器 Abstract We apply nondegenerate four-wave mixing processes to the generation of stable continuous variable entangled light and study the time evolution of continuous variable entangled light. We analytically get the characteristic function of the two-mode field and find that the system is an optical parametric amplifier. We also show that the two-mode cavity field exhibits stable continuous variable entanglement under certain conditions. The degree of entanglement depends upon the two-photon intensity I2,the cooperativity parameter C and the side-mode detuning Δ′. Keywords: continuous variable / three-level model / Gaussian state / parametric amplifier 作者及机构信息 邓文武, 郑 俊, 谭华堂, 李高翔 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:60478049,10674052)和湖北省自然科学基金(批准号:2006ABB015)资助的课题. Authors and contacts 参考文献 施引文献

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