
Unitarity and the optical theorem are used to derive the reduced density matrices of Compton scattering in the presence of a witness particle. Two photons are initially entangled wherein one photon participates in Compton scattering, while the other is a witness, i.e., does not interact with the electron. Unitarity is shown to require that the entanglement entropy of the witness photon does not change after its entangled partner undergoes scattering. The final mutual information of the electron's and witness particle’s polarizations is shown to be nonzero for low-energy Compton scattering. This indicates that the two particles became correlated in spite of no direct interaction. Assuming an initial maximally entangled state, the change in entanglement entropy of the scattered photon’s polarization is calculated in terms of Stokes parameters. A common ratio of areas occurs in the final reduced density matrix elements, von Neumann entropies, Stokes parameter, and mutual information. This common ratio consists of the Thomson scattering cross-section and an accessible regularized scattering area.

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