
A formidable perspective in understanding quantum criticality of a given many-body system is through its entanglement contents. Until now, most progress are only limited to the disorder-free case. Here, we develop an efficient scheme to compute the entanglement entropy of $(2+1)$-dimensional quantum critical points with randomness, from a conceptually novel angle where the quenched disorder can be considered as dimensionally reducible interactions. As a concrete example, we reveal novel entanglement signatures of $(2+1)$-dimensional Dirac fermion exposed to a random magnetic field, which hosts a class of emergent disordered quantum critical points. We demonstrate that the entanglement entropy satisfies the area-law scaling, and observe a modification of the area-law coefficient that points to the emergent disordered quantum criticality. Moreover, we also obtain the sub-leading correction to the entanglement entropy due to a finite correlation length. This sub-leading correction is found to be a universal function of the correlation length and disorder strength. We discuss its connection to the renormalization group flows of underlying theories.

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