
We calculate the bipartite von Neumann and second R\'enyi entanglement entropies of the ground states of spin-1/2 dimerized Heisenberg antiferromagnets on a square lattice. Two distinct dimerization patterns are considered: columnar and staggered. In both cases, we concentrate on the valence bond solid (VBS) phase and describe such a phase with the bond-operator representation. Within this formalism, the original spin Hamiltonian is mapped into an effective interacting boson model for the triplet excitations. We study the effective Hamiltonian at the harmonic approximation and determine the spectrum of the elementary triplet excitations. We then follow an analytical procedure, which is based on a modified spin-wave theory for finite systems and was originally employed to calculate the entanglement entropies of magnetic ordered phases, and calculate the entanglement entropies of the VBS ground states. In particular, we consider one-dimensional (line) subsystems within the square lattice, a choice that allows us to consider line subsystems with sizes up to $L' = 1000$. We combine such a procedure with the results of the bond-operator formalism at the harmonic level and show that, for both dimerized Heisenberg models, the entanglement entropies of the corresponding VBS ground states obey an area law as expected for gapped phases. For both columnar-dimer and staggered-dimer models, we also show that the entanglement entropies increase but do not diverge as the dimerization decreases and the system approaches the N\'eel--VBS quantum phase transition. Finally, the entanglement spectra associated with the VBS ground states are presented.

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