
The faithful distribution of entanglement in continuous variable systems is essential to many quantum information protocols. As such, entanglement distillation and enhancement schemes are a cornerstone of many applications. The photon subtraction scheme offers enhancement with a relatively simple setup and has been studied in various scenarios. Motivated by recent advances in integrated optics, particularly the ability to build stable multimode interferometers with squeezed input states, a multimodal extension to the enhancement via photon subtraction protocol is studied. States generated with multiple squeezed input states, rather than a single input source, are shown to be more sensitive to the enhancement protocol, leading to increased entanglement at the output. Numerical results show the gain in entanglement is not monotonic with the number of modes or the degree of squeezing in the additional modes. Consequently, the advantage due to having multiple squeezed inputs states can be maximized when the number of modes is still relatively small (e.g., $4$). The requirement for additional squeezing is within the current realm of implementation, making this scheme achievable with present technologies.

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