
Reliable detection the etiological agent of amoebic dysentery and extra-intestinal amoebiasis have Publichealth importance specially in asymptomatic individual .The objective of the study includes two aspects,the first to give correct perception of infection rate in asymptomatic individuals and the second aspect aboutdetection and diagnosis of the pathogenic species of Entamoeba histolytica from another morphologicallysimilar and commensal one using the molecular technique in stool samples of asymptomatic individuals.During the study period from the beginning of April to the end of Jun /2018 , a total of 95 stool samplewas collected from asymptomatic 71 male and 24 female ages between 25-55 years old. Microscopic andmolecular diagnosis for E.histolytica was done using wet mount method and Real Time polymerase chainreaction employing 18S rRNA geneRespectively . The result highlighted the microscopic diagnosis of cyst stage in 33 asymptomatic patientout of 95 (34.73%) with significant differences P<0.05 between males 22/71(66.66%) and females 11/24(33.33%).On the other hand the molecular diagnosis results showed presence of Entamoeba histolytica in 19sample out of 33 (63.33%) with significant differences P<0.05 between males 15/22 (68.18%) and females4/11 (36.36%).Conclusion, The microscopic examination of stool sample show a possibility of error todifferentiate pathogenic E. histolytica from those of morphologically similar non-pathogenic species lead toinaccurate results therefore, the molecular methods must be adopted for diagnosis. There is also a sign thatthe pollution problem is still not controlled and is a risk factor for infection transmitted.

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