
Sterols and gibberellins are the main terpenoids in the Ascomycete Fusarium fujikuroi. Their respective precursors squalene and ent-kaur-16-ene (henceforth called kaurene) were the main terpenoids synthesised from radioactive mevalonate by extracts of F. fujikuroi in vitro. Kaurene predominated when the extracts were obtained from mycelia engaged in gibberellin production. Squalene predominated in all other cases, and particularly when the extracts were obtained from mutants with various defects in gibberellin synthesis or nitrogen-fed wild-type cultures. New protein synthesis was required to maintain the production of gibberellins in vivo and of kaurene in vitro, but not to maintain the capacity to produce squalene in vitro. Addition of a nitrogen source to cultures engaged in gibberellin production caused a large, transient increase in the mycelial concentration of L-glutamine and abolished the accumulation of gibberellins immediately and the capacity to produce kaurene later.

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