
Traditional access control models, such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), do not take into account contextual information, such as location and time, for making access decisions. Consequently, they are inadequate for specifying the access control needs of many complex real-world applications, such as the Dengue Decision Support (DDS) that we discuss in this paper. We need to ensure that such applications are adequately protected using emerging access control models. This requires us to represent the application and its access control requirements in a formal specification language. We choose the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for this purpose, since UML is becoming the defacto specification language in the software industry. We need to analyze this formal specification to get assurance that the application is adequately protected. Manual analysis is error-prone and tedious. Thus, we need automated tools for verification of UML models. Towards this end, we propose that the UML models be converted to Alloy. Alloy is based on first-order logic, has a software infrastructure that supports automated analysis, and has been used for the verification of real-world applications. We show how to convert the UML models to Alloy and verify the resulting model using the Alloy Analyzer which has embedded SAT-solvers. The results from the Alloy Analyzer will help uncover the flaws in the specification and help us refine the application and its access control requirements.

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