
The current state of water supply in Ukraine was analyzed and the main problems that arise on the existing water supply systems, related to the lack of efficiency of both water treatment technologies and operation conditions of the water supply system structures, characterized by high energy consumption, excess pressure formation and accident rate increase were studied. It was specified that in agricultural water supply systems additional difficulties can arise due to significant fluctuations of water consumption during the day, therefore, there is a need for the study of the joint work of interacting structures, especially in the towerless schemes. It is shown that to solve the problems of reliable provision of consumers with the required water amounts, water pressures and water quality, is possible taking into account the requirements of economy, reliability and environmental safety, and to identify weaknesses and develop recommendations for ensuring the efficient operation of structures can be fulfilled by mathematical modeling and analysis of various possible variants of system operation. The issue of increasing the efficiency and reliability of agricultural supply systems was considered using the example of the water supply system in Tarasivka village of Kyiv region. The article deals with increasing the efficiency and reliability of agricultural water supply systems. The results of the study of water supply systems operation, based on the utilization of ground water in the village of Tarasivka, Kyiv region are given, which demonstrate that when pumping water from the well directly into the water supply network, excess damage energy for water lift occurs. The reliability of the water supply system, when pumping water from the well, was analyzed and the measures to ensure cost-effective and reliable operation of water supply structures while reducing the specific costs of electricity for supplying water to consumers and improving its quality were proposed.

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