
When Moldova declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, its population stood at roughly 4·2 million. Since then, more than 1 million Moldovans have emigrated, mainly to Russia, Romania, and western Europe. It is easy to see why they have sought opportunities abroad. Nestled between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova is the poorest nation in Europe. In the 1990s, it endured an economic crisis that saw GDP fall by 60%. Corruption is widespread and seems to be worsening. In 2014, it emerged that approximately US$1 billion, equivalent to an eighth of GDP, had been stolen from three Moldovan banks. Those accessing public services in the country frequently report having to pay a bribe. Health and health care in Ukraine: in transition and at riskThe crisis in Ukraine continues to intensify. Russian troops are massing near the Ukrainian border and the US military is reinforcing its NATO allies in Europe. Meanwhile, diplomatic talks are loaded with accusations but little resolution, and Ukrainian forces are already fighting Russia-backed separatists in the east. With the world's attention on the geopolitical situation in the region, there is a danger that the ordinary lives and health of Ukrainians are forgotten. Full-Text PDF

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