
In this article the author voices some objections against the so called substitution procédé as method in understanding the poetry of Breytenbach. This method was devised by Cloete and followed up by Lombard in her doctoral study and in article(s).The author is adamant that the substitution procédé is unnecessary for the understanding of Breytenbach’s poem “Klanke vir daeraad” (sounds for break of day). Furthermore; this method spurs a naive logic that actually hinders the understanding and can lead to far-fetched interpretation. In conclusion the reader is made aware of the pitfall of “reception” and that substitution actually distorts the text.


  • T he author is adam ant that the substitution procédé is unnecessary for the understanding of Breytenbach’s poem “ Klanke vir daeraad”

  • In this article the author voices some objections against the so called substitution procédé as m ethod in understanding the poetry of B reytenbach. This m ethod was devised by Cloete and followed up by Lom bard in her doctoral study and in article(s)

  • En ek m een die rede is dat die gedig genoegsaamlselfverklarend is en gevolglik nié om ’n vervangingsprocédé vra nie; trouens, ek meen juis Lom bard se “verklaring” van reël 2 doen die gediginhoud geweld aan

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T he author is adam ant that the substitution procédé is unnecessary for the understanding of Breytenbach’s poem “ Klanke vir daeraad” (sounds for break of day). Hierop gee Lombard (Cloete) ’n effense antw oord in die woorde “(d)ie vervangings ‘ontpoëtiseer’ die gedig, maar dit dem onstreer weer andersyds dié poëtiese krag van wat wél daar staan” (Lom bard, 1984:37).

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