
Digital soil mapping relies on relating soils to a particular set of covariates, which capture inherent soil spatial variation. In digital mapping of soil classes, the most commonly used covariates are topographic attributes, RS attributes, and maps, including geology, geomorphology, and land use; in contrast, the subsurface soil characteristics are usually ignored. Therefore, we investigate the possibility of using soil diagnostic characteristics as covariates in a mountainous landscape as the main aim of this study. Conventional covariates (CC) and a combination of soil subsurface covariates with conventional covariates (SCC) were used as covariates, and random forest (RF), Multinomial Logistic Regression (LR), and C5.0 Decision Trees (C5) were used as different machine learning algorithms in digital mapping of soil family classes. Based on the results, the RF model with the SCC dataset had the best performance (KC = 0.85, OA = 90). In all three models, adding soil covariates to the sets of covariates increased the model performance. Soil covariates, slope, and aspect were selected as the principal auxiliary variables in describing the distribution of soil family classes.

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