
substantial shift towards digital content, prompting educational institutions to adapt to virtual learning environments. However, the increasing reliance on a multitude of applications for various activities, from attendance tracking to fee payment and examinations, has created a formidable challenge in aggregating data seamlessly. Students often grapple with login issues, exacerbated by the involvement of third-party applications, leading to time-consuming resolutions. Furthermore, the transition to online formats has posed challenges for extracurricular activities, particularly club promotions, leaving club leaders unsure of how to effectively engage participants in the absence of traditional class-by-class canvassing. Addressing these challenges, a proposed web portal emerges as a comprehensive solution, consolidating diverse institutional activities into a centralized hub. This portal not only streamlines academic functions such as attendance tracking and examination results but also acts as an information nexus for club activities, offering a centralized platform for students to discover and engage with various clubs. Additionally, the portal incorporates a digital grievance redressal system, providing students with a unified avenue to express concerns. In essence, this web portal aims to simplify and enhance the college experience, offering students a cohesive platform to navigate the complexities of their educational journey efficiently. KeyWords: Centralised, Web Application, Student Centric,Thirdparty Apps,Data Aggreagation, Career Guidance, Grievance Redressal, Virtual Learning

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