
Path planning for mobile robots in complex circumstances is still a challenging issue. This work introduces an improved deep reinforcement learning strategy for robot navigation that combines dueling architecture, Prioritized Experience Replay, and shaped Rewards. In a grid world and two Gazebo simulation environments with static and dynamic obstacles, the Dueling Deep Q-Network with Modified Rewards and Prioritized Experience Replay (PMR-Dueling DQN) algorithm is compared against Q-learning, DQN, and DDQN in terms of path optimality, collision avoidance, and learning speed. To encourage the best routes, the shaped Reward function takes into account target direction, obstacle avoidance, and distance. Prioritized replay concentrates training on important events while a dueling architecture separates value and advantage learning. The results show that the PMR-Dueling DQN has greatly increased convergence speed, stability, and overall performance across conditions. In both grid world and Gazebo environments the PMR-Dueling DQN achieved higher cumulative rewards. The combination of deep reinforcement learning with reward design, network architecture, and experience replay enables the PMR-Dueling DQN to surpass traditional approaches for robot path planning in complex environments.

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