
Biochar is commonly used to improve acidic soil and reduce nitrogen loss. However, the impact of biochar on soil nitrogen retention, especially at varying pH levels, is not fully understood. Soil samples were obtained from an acidic red soil citrus orchard. The soil pH was adjusted using CaO, with five levels (4.0, 5.1, 5.8, 6.6, and 7.2), and two biochar doses (0% and 1%) were applied. The study used 15N-Tracer and Ntrace to investigate biochar’s influence on soil nitrogen retention at different pH levels. The results showed that soil amendment with biochar improved gross mineralization rates (TM) and gross NH4+ immobilization rates (TI), except at pH 4.0 for TI. Biochar enhanced heterotrophic nitrification (ONrec) within pH 4.0–7.4, with a threshold for autotrophic nitrification (ONH4) at pH 6.4. The findings revealed biochar’s positive effect on soil nitrogen retention within pH 4.5–6.4. Biochar had a greater impact on TI than TM and inhibited ONH4, potentially enhancing nitrogen retention in this pH range. These results highlight the significance of considering biochar incorporation for improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing NO3−-N loss in subtropical pomelo orchards.

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