
Abstract As Drilling industry continues to bring-in more complex systems and new generation rigs, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to carry out Job Safety Analysis (JSA). Hazard and corresponding control systems identification put in front noteworthy problems as hidden and complex hazards are not easy to identify and corresponding controls sytems should match with and counter the potential severity of hazards. To respond to these issues, there is an increasing requirement of SMART automation of Job Safety Analysis. This Paper describes the components of electronic Job Safety Analysis (e-JSA) system and how ease of personnel interaction with the system has led to the output of more systematic and authentic Analysis of Hazards and Control assignment at rig sites; enhancing the JSA quality to much higher level and thereby resulting in reduction of Incidents/Accidents. Methods, Procedures, Process With the introduction of e-JSA, NDC has gone that extra mile in managing the JSAs across rig sites. This system guided step by step approach ensures that potential hazards and consequences are not missed out thereby increasing safety aspect. This new system delivers unparalleled benefits like capturing of JSA at the rig site with details of the operation type, activities, IPM, PPEs, responsible persons and authors involved for the JSA. Submission, review, approval and evaluation process is fully automated along with authorization control ensuring speedy approval and getting rid of paper document circulation with complete traceability at any given point of time. Novel/Additive Information NDC HSE commitment and quest for innovation is further supplemented by e-JSA system. NDC is has already taken initiative to take the e-JSA system on the rig floor, so that the JSA can be opened & discussed by the entire team before commencement of any job. Based on the success of e-JSA system, a Proof Of Concept is in progress which after implementation will facilitate the rig crew on the rig floor to access the JSA documents from rig floor itself. We are exploring the option to transfer the same software for Risk Assessment with minor modifications such as changing terms like ‘Hazards’ to ‘Risks’, ‘Hazard Categories’ to ‘Risk Types’ etc. By Q4 of 2016, we are targeting to demonstrate the e-JSA system to other ADNOC group companies. On successful completion & positive feedback of the e-JSA system over the last 2 years of launch, we have started automation of most of the processes pertaining to HSE.

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