
Recommender systems are currently widely used in various applications helping people filter information. Existing models always embed the rich information for recommendation, such as items, users, and contexts in real-value vectors, and make predictions based on these vectors. In the view of causal inference, the associations between representation vectors and user feedback are inevitably a mixture of the causal part that describes why a user prefers an item, and the non-causal part that merely reflects the statistical dependencies, for example, the display ranking position and sales promotion. However, most recommender systems assume the user-item interactions are only affected by user preferences, neglecting the striking differences between these two associations. To address this problem, we propose a model-agnostic causal learning framework called IV4Rec+ that can effectively decompose the embedding vectors into these two parts. Moreover, two strategies are proposed to utilize search queries as instrumental variables: IV4Rec+(I) only decomposes the item embeddings, while IV4Rec+(UI) decomposes both user and item embeddings. IV4Rec+ is a model-agnostic design that can be applied to many existing recommender systems, e.g., DIN, NRHUB, and SRGNN. Extensive experiments on three datasets show that IV4Rec+ significantly facilitates the performance of recommender systems and outperforms state-of-the-art frameworks.

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