
With the rapid growth of E-Commerce on the Internet, online product search service has emerged as a popular and effective paradigm for customers to find desired products and select transactions. Most product search engines today are based on adaptations of relevance models devised for information retrieval. However, there is still a big gap between the mechanism of finding products that customers really desire to purchase and that of retrieving products of high relevance to customers' query. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a new ranking framework for enhancing product search based on dynamic best-selling prediction in E-Commerce. Specifically, we first develop an effective algorithm to predict the dynamic best-selling, i.e. the volume of sales, for each product item based on its transaction history. By incorporating such best-selling prediction with relevance, we propose a new ranking model for product search, in which we rank higher the product items that are not only relevant to the customer's need but with higher probability to be purchased by the customer. Results of a large scale evaluation, conducted over the dataset from a commercial product search engine, demonstrate that our new ranking method is more effective for locating those product items that customers really desire to buy at higher rank positions without hurting the search relevance.

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