
Phishing attacks pose a persistent threat to individuals and organizations, demanding effective strategies for enhancing awareness and response. This research investigates the use of a web-based application employing simulation-based training and embedded learning tools to bolster phishing awareness. The study creates a comprehensive system that includes user roles, training modules, simulated phishing scenarios, and a robust database structure. Through rigorous testing, bug fixing, and user training, the application is deployed for real-world use. Results show that the web-based application significantly improves users' ability to detect and respond to phishing attempts. Notably, the integration of embedded learning tools enhances engagement and knowledge retention. The research contributes to proactive cybersecurity practices by offering a practical solution for countering phishing attacks. While addressing limitations of prior studies, this work opens avenues for further research in real-world applicability, long-term effectiveness, scalability, and user motivation. Ultimately, the web-based application serves as a valuable tool in building robust phishing awareness and mitigating cybersecurity risks.

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