
Household consumption significantly affects the quality of life and successful aging of older adults. However, prior research has often overlooked the connection between household consumption and long-term care insurance (LTCI). This study aims to investigate the influence of LTCI on consumption patterns within older Chinese households. We used harmonized data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study and merged it with data from cities that implemented LTCI in China. We analyzed a total of 6,494 households consisting of individuals who were 60 years of age or older. To ensure accurate and stable research findings, we employed a series of difference-in-differences models. We found that LTCI has a significant impact on consumption levels, including total and per capita consumption within older households. Furthermore, our research demonstrates that LTCI significantly enhances enjoyable consumption across the consumption types. Through a heterogeneous analysis, it is shown that LTCI has a unique effect on both the total and enjoyable consumption of urban older households and also promotes comprehensive consumption improvements in older rural and disabled households. These findings highlight the crucial role of LTCI in improving the financial security and well-being of older households. They also have considerable policy implications for dealing with the challenges of an aging population.

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