
Protection of local plant varieties on the one hand will bring economic benefits to farmers and on the other hand bring benefits to the government related to its policies to ensure food security and national self-sufficiency (food self-sufficiency). To guarantee food security, the protection of the interests and rights of farmers along with their traditional knowledge of local plant varieties must be regulated specifically. This study aims to discover the legal protection of intellectual property rights for farmers in breeding local plant varieties to support the national food diversification launched by the Indonesian government. The research method used in this study is normative legal research. This research uses data sources from legal materials called normative research, collection techniques of data are carried out by means of literature studies. From the results of the study, it was concluded that: Regulations on the protection of plant varieties in general have been regulated by Law Number 29 of 2000 concerning Protection of Plant Varieties (PVP). However, Law Number 29 of 2000 concerning Plant Variety Protection (PVP) has protected local plant varieties, but the system determined is only limited to registration, which is not necessarily able to provide optimal protection for local plant varieties as well as the interests and rights of farmers as users in an effort to support the national food diversification program as launched by the Indonesian government as a way to overcome world food crisis.

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