
In today’s world, digital technology enables us to access knowledge from anywhere, anytime and learn at our pace. This online learning process when made interactive and collaborative can lead to effective learning. Synchronous online learning satisfies these requirements of online and distant learning with focus on the quality of instruction and how effectively learners are engaged. As the name implies, synchronous learning allows instruction and learning to happen in real-time, but not necessarily in the same place. It provides all the advantages of digital, online and distant learning with an added benefit of bringing human interaction to the learning environment which is not available in an asynchronous learning platform. This paper focuses on using synchronous learning environment to enhance mathematics learning. While an abundant source of materials are available online related to mathematics, support from the teacher is always an added advantage especially since mathematics includes problem-solving and logical reasoning. The students will remain engaged and motivated in a synchronous learning environment than in an asynchronous one since immediate feedback is highly appreciated by the students when faced with a critical and challenging concept. If both the teacher and the students are familiar with the use of the synchronous technology tools, synchronous learning can combine the benefits of both face-to-face and online digital learning while bringing the learners together through collaborative learning. Collaboration brings in new ideas and methods of learning. Hence it is inevitable that the present educators make use of this opportunity to humanize online and distant learning by familiarizing themselves with efficient tools and making use of the discoveries and inventions in the field of education, computer science, anthropology, and psychology. There are many tools and software packages available for implementing synchronous learning, and the choice depends on the type of interactions and the pedagogy preferred by the teacher.

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