
Background: Problem-based learning (PBL) has been implemented throughout the world as aninnovative learning method in nursing education and some Egyptian universities have adopted PBL asa learning method to enhance intern-nurses application of knowledge, promotes self-learning, anddevelops managerial skills. The study aimed to enhance managerial skills for intern-nurses by usingproblem-based learning strategy. Study Design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. The studysample: A convenient sample of 124 intern-nurses divided into two groups; Traditional basedlearning (TBL) group (70 intern-nurses) and PBL group (54 intern-nurses). Study Setting: The studywas conducted in the intern-nurses' clinical training areas at Benha University Hospital. Tools: Fivetools were used for data collection; (1) Intern-nurses' opinionnaire sheet, (2) Managerial skillsknowledge questionnaire, (3) Managerial skills' practice questionnaire, (4) Attitude toward PBLquestionnaire and (5) Evaluation questionnaire. Results: The majority of intern-nurses (92.6% &72.2%) preferred PBL at immediate post and follow up phases respectively than TBL as a strategy oflearning. Also, the majority of intern-nurses (96.3% & 87.1%) had satisfactory level of managerialskills knowledge at PBL and TBL group respectively during immediate post program phase. Themajority of intern-nurses (87.0%) had positive attitude toward PBL at follow up phase compared topre-program. Conclusion: There was highly statistically significant difference improvement found inthe immediate post program between both groups with higher total mean scores in PBL group thanTBL group during immediate post program. Also, there was highly statistically significant positivecorrelation between total managerial skills' knowledge and total managerial skills' practice at bothgroups. Recommendations: The study recommended that PBL strategy should be adopted by Facultyof Nursing Benha University for better skills and learning outcome, to allow students' interactions andencourage higher thinking level.

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