
Agriculture sector plays an important role in the economy of Pakistan and is one of the major determinants of the economic growth and well-being. It contributes about 21% to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs 45% of labor force. Majority of the population i.e-62% belongs to rural areas, and their livelihood directly or indirectly depends on agriculture. Poor nutrient management is one of the key factors contributing to decline in the productivity of maize in Pakistan. This review article is mainly focus on role of nitrogen and its application methods in growth, development, and production of the maize. Despite the fact that maize productivity is relatively better than other major cereal crops, its current maize productivity is still far below its potential productivity. The rate, time and method of nitrogen (N) fertilizer application are among the major abiotic factors limiting the productivity of the crop and are strongly related to growth, development, and yield of the crop. Nitrogen affects various physiological and biochemical processes in plant cells that ultimately affect the growth and development of the plant. Crop yield increases up to certain limit and declines if applied in an excess amount of nitrogen. Proper nitrogen application at proper growth stages and sufficient amount are need to be necessary for higher grain yield of maize. This review will serves for maize researchers to enhance maize productivity through nitrogen application timing and methods.

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