
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious health concern that affects pregnant women worldwide and can lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Early detection of high-risk individuals and the implementation of appropriate treatment can enhance these outcomes. We conducted a study on a cohort of 3467 pregnant women during their pregnancy, with a total of 5649 clinical and biochemical records collected. We utilized this dataset as our training dataset to develop a web server called GDMPredictor. The GDMPredictor utilizes advanced machine learning techniques to predict the risk of GDM in pregnant women. We also personalize treatment recommendations based on essential biochemical indicators, such as A1MG, BMG, CysC, CO2, TBA, FPG, and CREA. Our assessment of GDMPredictor's effectiveness involved training it on the dataset of 3467 pregnant women and measuring its ability to predict GDM risk using an AUC and auPRC. GDMPredictor demonstrated an impressive level of precision by achieving an AUC score of 0.967. To tailor our treatment recommendations, we use the GDM risk level to identify higher risk candidates who require more intensive care. The GDMPredictor can accept biochemical indicators for predicting the risk of GDM at any period from 1 to 24weeks, providing healthcare professionals with an intuitive interface to identify high-risk patients and give optimal treatment recommendations. The GDMPredictor presents a valuable asset for clinical practice, with the potential to change the management of GDM in pregnant women. Its high accuracy and efficiency make it a reliable tool for doctors to improve patient outcomes. Early identification of high-risk individuals and tailored treatment can improve maternal and fetal health outcomes http://www.bioinfogenetics.info/GDM/ .

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