
This research study explores the dynamics of faculty performance and job satisfaction within technology colleges, aiming to provide a comprehensive management approach for enhancing both aspects. Faculty members play a pivotal role in shaping the educational experience and research outcomes in technology colleges. Ensuring their performance and job satisfaction is not only crucial for individual well-being but also for the long-term success and sustainability of these institutions. The study adopts a mixed-methods research design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research population consists of faculty members from diverse academic disciplines within technology colleges. Through structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews, the study assesses current faculty performance, identifies key challenges and factors influencing job satisfaction, and proposes a holistic management approach. Quantitative analysis reveals that, on average, faculty members perceive themselves as performing well in teaching and research. However, administrative workload emerged as an area of concern. Faculty members expressed high levels of job satisfaction, particularly regarding leadership support and professional development opportunities. Qualitative findings provide rich insights into faculty experiences, highlighting challenges related to workload and the motivation to excel in their roles. Participants also offer valuable suggestions for improvement, emphasizing the importance of leadership support and professional development. This study underscores the importance of addressing faculty concerns to optimize performance and job satisfaction in technology colleges. The proposed recommendations include workload management, leadership support, professional development, and continuous improvement of support mechanisms. Implementing these strategies, technology colleges can cultivate a motivated and satisfied faculty, ultimately contributing to their long-term success and innovation in the field of technology education.

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