
This research study aims to develop suitable supplementary English reading materials for tenth-grade students in the agriculture vocational high school program. The study utilizes the Research and Development (R&D) approach, focusing on the Analysis, Design, and Development stages of the ADDIE model. Data is collected through document analysis, questionnaires, and interviews from a class of 16 X-grade agriculture students and their English teachers at SMK Gotong Royong. Two types of questionnaires are employed: one for the needs analysis and another for expert judgment. The data is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, with mean central tendency measurement used to categorize the developed materials. Suharto's theory is utilized to determine the intervals and categories based on the scores obtained. The data analysis process involves organizing and preparing the data, reading and reviewing all the data, coding the data, generating descriptions and themes, and representing the findings. The research findings indicate the following target needs of the students: (1) understanding agriculture science texts and types of agriculture tools, (2) improving reading skills for agricultural work and acquiring relevant vocabulary, and (3) expanding their vocabulary related to the study program. The findings serve as the basis for the development of appropriate supplementary English reading materials. English teachers are encouraged to understand students' needs and add relevant sources or develop materials in collaboration with other teachers. Other materials developers are suggested to consider the learners' needs and the practical context of their field to create valuable materials for vocational high school students. Keywords: English reading proficiency, agriculture vocational high schools, ESP-Based supplementary materials, grade X students

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