
The veteran population is a very unique and diverse group with varying military and wartime experiences. The injuries returning veterans suffered in World War II are different from those suffered by the men and women that returned from Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF). Many of the injured veterans that served in OIF/OEF have survived extensive injuries because of today's medical advances. These advances in medicine have brought home many veterans that require unique multidisciplinary medical care and rehabilitation. For many veterans, their combat experiences, injuries, and exposures are closely linked to a multitude of health conditions. The purpose of this paper is to discuss health conditions and key characteristics of today's veteran population with an emphasis on OIF/OEF veterans. Marilyn Algire is Magnet Program Coordinator, Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, North Chicago, IL. At the time of writing she was Health Promotion Disease Prevention Program Manager, DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC. Diona Martyn is Nurse Educator, DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC.

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