
Abstract Background Built heritage in developed tourism destinations presents a resource of attractiveness, and its presentation through digital technology impacts the perception of culture. Objectives The paper aims to determine opportunities for further development of digital promotion of cultural attractions by identifying the potential of websites, online marketing tools and smart technologies implemented by tourism attraction decision-makers. Methods/Approach Qualitative and qualitative research methods were used as longitudinal research and structured interviews with decision-makers of the tourist destination. Results Positive developments in implementing the digital promotion of cultural heritage during and after the pandemic are evident, but not fast enough considering the accelerated development of new smart technologies. At the same time, decision-makers recognise the importance of the digital promotion of cultural heritage. However, they are still unfamiliar with the possibilities of smart technology to affirm the digital promotion of cultural heritage. Conclusions The paper points to the conclusion of how the advantages and potentials of developing a smart culture in destinations, recognised as a strategic policy of development, are implemented in the digital marketing of heritage sites.

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