
Within the domain of industrial control systems, safeguarding data integrity stands as a pivotal endeavor, especially in light of the burgeoning menace posed by malicious tampering and potential data loss. Traditional data storage paradigms, tethered to physical hard disks, are fraught with inherent susceptibilities, underscoring the pressing need for the deployment of resilient preservation frameworks. This study delves into the transformative potential offered by distributed ledger technology (DLT), with a specific focus on IOTA, within the expansive landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT). Through a meticulous examination of the intricacies inherent to data transmission protocols, we present a novel paradigm aimed at fortifying data security. Our approach advocates for the strategic placement of IOTA nodes on lower-level devices, thereby streamlining the transmission pathway and curtailing vulnerabilities. This concerted effort ensures the seamless preservation of data confidentiality and integrity from inception to storage, bolstering trust in the convergence of IoT and DLT technologies. By embracing proactive measures, organizations can navigate the labyrinthine terrain of data management, effectively mitigate risks, and cultivate an environment conducive to innovation and progress.

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