
Over years, barrier coverage problems in wireless camera sensor networks have received an amount of attention for their important applications such as intrusion detection and battlefield surveillance. Though much work has been done in this field, few works focus on providing high surveillance quality efficiently. Recently, Cheng and Tsai pointed out the breadth of barrier-coverage of camera sensor network was significant to guarantee high quality of monitoring (QoM), and they proposed a β-breadth belt-barrier problem under 2D circumstances whose goal was to select camera sensors as few as possible to construct a β-breadth belt-barrier. In this paper, we study the problem of constructing a β-breadth belt-barrier with the minimum number of sensors thoroughly, both under 2D circumstances and 3D circumstances. Besides, we extend this problem and study how to build up k disjoint β-breadth belt-barriers under both 2D and 3D circumstances. We set many application scenarios in simulation and thoroughly study how our algorithms’ performances are affected by different environmental parameters, including the number of sensors and the breadth of a barrier.

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