
The Mas ter of ‘informa ti cs as a second competence ’ (I SC) has been created a t the Uni versi ty of Grenoble Alpes in 1985 to teach informa ti cs to s tudents who have al ready passed a bachelor’s degree in another discipline. The challenge of such a Mas ter’s programme is to train versatile people who will combine the skills acqui red in their fi rst discipline (acqui red during their bachelor studies) wi th theoreti cal and techni cal skills in computer science , enabling them to crea te , develop and implement tomorrow’s software tools. The purpose of the PROfessional network of Mas ter’s degrees I SC European Tempus project is to dissemina te the experience of the Mas ter programme a t Grenoble and to crea te a network of ISC Mas ter’s programmes in Central Asia. In this contribution, we will explain the ra tionale of the project and describe measures that enhance the employability of s tudents by i ntegra ting practi ce i n the teaching. Keywords: Informa tics as a second competence, tempus project, employability, acti ve lea rning, peer ins truction, reverse teaching.

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