
The core theme of the current investigation is to explore the application of an IoT framework protocol based on an Arduino platform designed to optimize sunflower seed production in Uzbekistan based on the levels of air quality and soil moisture. In essence, the need is to give best actionable intelligence to farmers and the stakeholders in the agricultural sector on crop growing opportunities. The above proposed system involves the use of air quality sensors MQ-135 for instance, and soil moisture sensors. The sensors are connected to Arduino boards to collect necessary data and measurements are recorded every 30 minutes using available WiFi and Bluetooth modules for continuous monitoring. The simulation reveals air quality data of the sunflower fields of the present scenario to be an average at PM2.5 is of 75 µg/m³, which poses danger to the wellbeing of plants. It is further expected that the use of MQ-135 air quality sensors will decrease the overall average of PM2.5 to 45 µg/m³, the local authorities managed to cut emissions by 40% as part of the EU plan. At the present time, the content of the field moistures is 15 % VWC, which is not favorable for sunflower development. Soil moisture sensors for accurate irrigation control is another advance that requires soil moisture levels to rise to 25% vadium weight (VWC), up from 66. 7% improvement. Therefore, it means that the yields from the sunflower seeds are expected to rise from the current average of 1, 500Kg/ha to 1, 875 Kg/ha, which is a 25% enhancement. These results imply that IoT systems developed on the Arduino platform may be used to oversee environmental alteration and increase the agricultural crop yield by a wide margin. The possibility was identified to achieve significant outcomes in increasing sunflower seed production based on this framework when implemented on a larger scale for the benefit of Uzbek farmers.

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