
1. No demonstrable antiopsonins are formed in rabbits following the intravenous injection of monovalent pneumococcus horse sera, Types I, II, and III. 2. The serum of rabbits injected with immune pneumococcus horse serum, Type I, II, or III, or with normal horse serum, when mixed in the proportion of 1:4 with Type I or Type II pneumococcus horse serum, can greatly augment, in vitro, the opsonization and agglutination of Type I and Type II pneumococci by the homologous immune horse sera. No similar effect is obtained with Type III serum and pneumococci. 3. The increase in opsonization and agglutination is dependent upon (a) specific sensitization of the pneumococci by the homologous immune serum and (b) the presence of the precipitating serum. In the absence of sensitization, as when a heterologous or normal horse serum is employed, opsonization and agglutination do not occur, even though a precipitating mixture is provided. The substitution of normal rabbit serum for the precipitating rabbit serum gives opsonization and agglutination in dilutions slightly higher than are effected with salt solution only, due possibly to the more favorable medium created for the leucocytes by the addition of 25 per cent of whole rabbit serum. 4. Different methods of combining the immune horse serum, precipitating rabbit serum, and pneumococci yield very similar results, preliminary sensitization of the bacteria before precipitation, or precipitation in the rabbit-horse serum mixture before the addition of the pneumococci for sensitization causing little if any difference in result from that obtained when immune horse serum, precipitating rabbit serum, and pneumococci are all mixed and incubated together. 5. This increased opsonization in the test-tube does not seem to be paralleled by increased protective power, or at any rate such protection is not readily demonstrated.

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