
ABSTRACT CIGS PV solar module is a second-generation technology and it is an acronym of Copper Indium Gallium Selenide. The electrical parameters are enhanced by optical reflectors. The current system capacity is 5 kWp. CIGS PV solar system is placed at Al-Mansour factory, Baghdad-Iraq (longitude 44.4°E, latitude 33.3°N). The electrical parameters that are studied and enhanced in this work are electrical power, current,performance ratio,and array efficiency as well as solar radiation. All these enhancements are accomplished by increasing solar radiance by utilizing optical reflectors (manufactures from aluminum metal). The current system is separated into two parts: a reference part (PV modules without optical reflectors) and an improved part (PV modules with optical reflectors). The maximum values of the power, current and solar irradiance for improved and reference modules are at 12:00 pm of 1.954 kW and 1.561 kW,4.82A and 3.85 A, and 1139.69 W/m2 and 885.89 W/m2 respectively, while the minimum values (at 6:00 pm) of 0.36 kW and 0.35 kW, 0.88 A and 0.86 A, 190.7 W/m2 and 168.6 W/m2 respectively, where the ambient temperature is 40OC. The maximum values of performance ratio and array efficiency are (at 7.30 am and 6:00 pm) of 95% and 95%, and 14% and 14% respectively, while the minimum values are at 12:00 pm of 86.5% and 88.9%, and 13.1% and 13.5% respectively. The maximum values of temperatures for the improved and reference PV modules are at 12:00 pm of 70OC and 62OC respectively, at the ambient temperature of 43OC. The maximum increment percentages (the gains) resulting from the use of optical reflectors for power, current,solar irradiance, and PV module temperature are at 12:00 pm of 26.0%, 25.2%, 28.6% and 8OC. This work is accomplished under clear sky weather. The important novelty of this study is the successful improvement of the electrical parameters of the on-grid PV solar system (smart grid) connected to the low tension utility grid. Another novelty is the use of different behavior in studying electrical parameters using different equations. As well as improving the electrical parameters of the second generation PV solar modules.

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