
Load Balancing is the process of distributing the computing load equally among the available resources which are pooled. With the rapidly advancing information technology industry, load balancing becomes a necessity. The load balancer equally distributes the load between the available resources, the lack of load balancing makes the single resources to bare huge amounts of requests. It also makes the resources highly available for the users. Load Balancing is used in both on-premises and off-premises environments. The load balancing mainly depends on a certain algorithm for the operation. There are many load-balancing algorithms used. The most widely used algorithm is the load balancing algorithm is Round Robin. Each task in the Round-Robin Algorithm is carried out based on the time quantum. Although widely used, the Round Robin algorithm has some issues that are trying to solve using this research study. Some of the major issues focused here are the lack of dynamic time quantum allocation and more context switching and not prioritizing tasks. This research study initially reviews the cloud computing and its deployment strategies. Then, this research study presents a complete overview on the importance of load balancing, the most widely used load balancing algorithm with cloud environment, and its shortcomings. Finally, a research idea has been proposed for the enhancement of Round Robin load balancing algorithm.

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