
An attempt was made to enhance the Lyman-α emission for the detection of low energy atomic hydrogen beams diffracted from the surface by means of (1+2) resonantly enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). Employing a Kr-Ar mixing cell, the efficiency of frequency tripling to generate the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) emission around the Lyman α line was fairly enhanced by about one order of magnitude compared to that with an ordinary pure Kr cell. An ionization chamber filled with acetone was also investigated for the detection and monitoring of the VUV light. Monochromatic atomic hydrogen (H) beams were prepared either via photodissociation of hydrogen-bromine (HBr) molecules at 243 nm with de Broglie wavelengths of 0.31A and 0.25A, or via photodissociation of hydrogen-iodine (HI) molecules at 266 nm with de Broglie wavelengths of 0.35A an 0.23A, respectively. Employing these H-beams, feasibilities for detection and visualization of diffraction patterns from the surface by the use of a fast optical imaging system were investigated by means of computer simulation experiments.

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