
The specific objectives of this research were the study of the physical and nutritional properties of the In Ovo Feeding (IOF) solution (i.e. theosmostic properties and the carbohydrate: protein ratio composition). Then, using the optimal solution for determining its effect on hatchability, early nutritional status and intestinal development of broilers and turkey during the last quarter of incubation through to 7 days post-hatch (i.e. pre-post hatch period) by using molecular, biochemical and histological tools. The objective for the last research phase was the determination of the effect of in ovo feeding on growth performance and economically valuable production traits of broiler and turkey flocks reared under practical commercial conditions. The few days before- and- after hatch is a critical period for the development and survival of commercial broilers and turkeys. During this period chicks make the metabolic and physiological transition from egg nutriture (i.e. yolk) to exogenous feed. Late-term embryos and hatchlings may suffer a low glycogen status, especially when oxygen availability to the embryo is limited by low egg conductance or poor incubator ventilation. Much of the glycogen reserve in the late-term chicken embryo is utilized for hatching. Subsequently, the chick must rebuild that glycogen reserve by gluconeogenesis from body protein (mostly from the breast muscle) to support post-hatch thermoregulation and survival until the chicks are able to consume and utilize dietary nutrients. Immediately post-hatch, the chick draws from its limited body reserves and undergoes rapid physical and functional development of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in order to digest feed and assimilate nutrients. Because the intestine is the nutrient primary supply organ, the sooner it achieves this functional capacity, the sooner the young bird can utilize dietary nutrients and efficiently grow at its genetic potential and resist infectious and metabolic disease. Feeding the embryo when they consume the amniotic fluid (IOF idea and method) showed accelerated enteric development and elevated capacity to digest nutrients. By injecting a feeding solution into the embryonic amnion, the embryo naturally consume supplemental nutrients orally before hatching. This stimulates intestinal development to start earlier as was exhibited by elevated gene expression of several functional genes (brush border enzymes an transporters , elvated surface area, elevated mucin production . Moreover, supplying supplemental nutrients at a critical developmental stage by this in ovo feeding technology improves the hatchling’s nutritional status. In comparison to controls, administration of 1 ml of in ovo feeding solution, containing dextrin, maltose, sucrose and amino acids, into the amnion of the broiler embryo increased dramatically total liver glycogen in broilers and in turkeys in the pre-hatch period. In addition, an elevated relative breast muscle size (% of broiler BW) was observed in IOF chicks to be 6.5% greater at hatch and 7 days post-hatch in comparison to controls. Experiment have shown that IOF broilers and turkeys increased hatchling weights by 3% to 7% (P<0.05) over non injected controls. These responses depend upon the strain, the breeder hen age and in ovo feed composition. The weight advantage observed during the first week after hatch was found to be sustained at least through 35 days of age. Currently, research is done in order to adopt the knowledge for commercial practice.

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