
We treated CHO cells with streptonigrin (SN) alone, in combination with BrdUrd or IdUrd substitution, and with or without the addition of caffeine. The cells assessed for chromosome damage by SN were in the G 2 period and the magnitude of the damage was expressed as monosubstituted chromatid breaks, bisubstituted chromatid breaks and boundary regions breaks (boundary regions indicate the point of exchange of mono- and bisubstituted chromatids). We found that the combination of BrdUrd or IdUrd substitution with SN treatments produced a remarkable increase in the frequency of breaks over the frequencies observed with the halogenated compound only. The effect was more evident with IdUrd than with BrdUrd, and more dramatic in bisubstituted than in monosubstituted chromatids. The frequency of boundary breaks in cells treated with BrdUrd plus SN was similar to the frequency of breaks in monosubstituted chromatids treated similarly. Conversely, the damage in boundary regions was almost similar to that in bisubstituted chromatids in cells challenged with IdUrd plus SN. The addition of caffeine to BrdUrd-substituted chromosomes gave rise to a marked enhancement of breakages with a gradient of chromatid damage that was: bisubstituted > monosubstituted > boundary regions. A further increase of chromatin breaks maintaining the gradient indicated above was obtained when the cells were treated with BrdUrd plus SN plus caffeine. We propose that BrdUrd and IdUrd substitution alone or in combination with caffeine treatments and with SN in its capacity to bind DNA, give rise to different chromatin structures capable of modulating the DNA damage induced along the chromatin fibril by the active oxygen species liberated by SN-DNA complexes.

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