
The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between the adaptive processes of Suaeda fruticosa for Pi acquisition and the physic-chemical and biological characteristics of two soil types under moderate and high saline conditions. Four treatments were established in pots: namely SS100, SS600, CS100 and CS600 where SS stood for sandy soil and CS for calcareous soil, and the indexes 100 and 600 were NaCl concentrations (mM) in irrigation distilled water. Assuming that Pi per g of plant biomass is an indicator of plant efficiency for P acquisition, the results showed that Pi acquisition was easiest on SS100 and was difficult on CS100. The differences in Pi acquisition between plants on SS100 and CS100 could be attributed to the low root surface area (-30%) and to the low alkaline phosphatases (Pases) activities (-50%) in calcareous rhizospheric soil. The high salinity level had no effect on the efficiency of P acquisition on SS but increased this parameter on CS (+50%). In the latter soil type, high acid phosphatase activities were observed in rhizospheric soil at high salinity level. Acid phosphatase seemed to be secreted from the roots. The higher secretion of acid phosphatase in this soil was related to the root lipid peroxidation in response to elevated salinity associated with the augmentation of unsaturated acids which might induce an oxidative damage of the root membrane. Thus we can conclude that in deficient soil such as calcareous, the efficiency of P acquisition in S. fruticosa which was difficult at moderate salinity level can be enhanced by high salinity level.

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