
Abstract This work reports a theoretical analysis of the absorption properties of a one-dimensional ternary periodic structure of dielectric, silicon dioxide and hyperbolic materials using well-known simple transfer matrix method (TMM). The hyperbolic material is a composite material of dielectric and plasma materials in which the optical constants of hyperbolic material have been studied by considering the effective medium theory. The relative permittivity of hyperbolic material has been studied with the variation of filling fraction and the electron collision frequency. The absorption of ternary periodic structure was studied with varying incident angle, in which the maximum absorption is found at incident angle 80°. Therefore, we have studied the absorption spectra of the considered periodic structure with variation of filling fraction, electron collision frequency, and thickness of dielectric material where the incident angle is constant at 80° for the maximum absorption. In this particular case, we have obtained the enhanced absorption spectra for ternary periodic structure in comparison to other angle of incidence at low normalized frequency. However, zero absorption for the same structure is obtained at the high normalized frequency range that exhibits a band gap. Now, the enhanced absorption of the considered structure has been studied with variation of filling fraction, electron collision frequency and thickness of dielectric material. We have obtained that the enhanced high absorption at the low microwave frequency may be used as a sensor, detector, logic gate; and the absorption band gap at the high microwave frequency range may as tunable absorber based microwave devices.

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